NameJoshua Grow 
Birth18 May 1810, Pennsylvania
Census1850, Shelby County, KY98 Age: 39
Death19 Dec 1898, Bennet, NE Age: 88
O MemoMiller
BurialBennet county cemetary
Death1852 Age: 44
MemoCancer of the breast
Marriage1831, Jessamine County, Kentucky99
Marr MemoLDS source says: 1 October 1832
Marriage20 Aug 1858, Shelby, Kentucky100,101
Notes for Joshua Grow
Joshua had additional children by his first and second wives, but many children died in infancy. Joshua is supposed to have about ninteen childred
Notes for Joshua Grow
see 1860 Lexington Ky Census recorded 1865 bought land near Bloomington IL see 1870 and 1880 Bloomington IL census
Notes for Joshua Grow
1851 - Joshua molded and baked brick with which he built a large house 20 X 40 feet: two rooms up and two rooms down, one for the boys and one for the girls upstairs. The old house was left to the back, to use as a kitchen. He owned a grist mill (treat power) from 1850 to 1861, when he was forced to leave the country near Lexington, Kentucky, because he sympathized with the north during the war between the states. Since the Confederates would havae hung him if they found him. he hid in a corn shock for a week as they were watching his home, day and night. Finally he slipped out and got across the Ohio River, and was safe. His family had to sneak food to him while he was hiding, for him to survive. later, his family gatheredup all their possessions in a wagon and drove to a spot near Holder, Illinois, where they rejoined him.
Notes for Joshua Grow
1891 - moved to Lincoln, Nebraska and lived with Doug for a while: later lived with his daughter, Mary Honnor, in Bennet, NE
Notes for Mary Ann (Spouse 1)
Note, Mary's death (from FLF records) is after birth of John (Jack) Grow. most likely one of those dates is incorrect
Notes for Joshua & Mary Ann (Family)
seven sons and five daughters
Notes for Joshua & Unknown 3rd wife (Family)
his third wife left after six months and they were divorced