NameJohannah Savage
Birth14 Jul 1823, London, England of Irish parents
Memonot sure of 14th
Death14 Jun 1896, 912 N. West St., Bloomington, Ill Age: 72
Burial17 Jun 1896, Catholic Cemetery, Bloomington IL
ReligionRoman Catholic
Birth14 Feb 1832, London, England
Death19 Oct 1898, Bloomington, IL Age: 66
BurialOct 1898, Bloomington Cemetery
O MemoGRANDPA HILL was a car foreman for the Chicago and Alton Railroad.
Marriageabt 1852, New York City
Marr Memopossibly England
Notes for Johannah Savage
"When Johannah Savage Hill came to this country from Ireland she left 5 children including a John L Sullivan, there. Later, they thought the John L Sullivan who became the Champion heavyweight fighter was this man, although no definite word was given." Quotes from Florence Freer's records
Notes for William John Henry (Spouse 1)
family history says he had a sister living in England
Notes for William John Henry & Johannah (Family)
"William and Johannah met on the boat, coming from England to America: he became ill, and she nursed him during the journey. They were married (probably in New York City ) . Her obituary says England, the date.....probably 1852."