Farrell/Scogin Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameAnna Farrell
Census1870, Madison, Poweshiek, Iowa126 Age: 3
Census1885, Boyer, Crawford, Iowa127 Age: 18
Census1900, South Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska Age: 33
Residenceabt 1900, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska139 Age: 33
MemoDan Farrell b 1825 moved in with Anna about 1900
Census1920, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska146 Age: 53
Immigration1883149 Age: 19
Memo1920 census says 1886
Census1900, South Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska136 Age: 36
MemoName shown as Patrik (without c)
Census1910, South Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska150 Age: 46
MemoSouth Omaha Ward 5
Census1920, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska147 Age: 56
MemoOmaha Ward 7, Douglas,
Marr MemoEstimated in Census record
Notes for Anna Farrell
Dan Farrell b 1825 and Ann Ward Farrell
136moved in with Anna about 1900
Notes for Patrick C (Spouse 1)
1900 US Census record shows first name as “Patrik” (wihout the “C”)