Farrell/Scogin Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameGalusha Alonzo Grow 
Birth31 Aug 1822, Ashford Conn
Death31 Mar 1907 Age: 84
BurialHarford PA family plot
Notes for Galusha Alonzo Grow
FLF's history writes: In 1860, when Abe Lincoln was running for President, the party had difficuly in selecting his running mate. They were considering two lawyers who were partners in Galusha's firm, but could not decide on which of the two to back. So they gave up and selected Galusha. He ran against Andrew Johnson, and of course, Johnson was Lincoln's VP. So, relatices of Galusha Grow were close to being related to the President of the US. Senator from PA, Speaker of the House. Interduced the Homestead Act.