Farrell/Scogin Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameFlorence Lavine Scogin
Birth7 Jul 1908, Omaha, NE
Memo9:45 PM, 7 lbs
Census1930, Omaha, NE11 Age: 21
Census1940, 1539 So 25Th Ave, Douglas, Ohama, NE24 Age: 31
Death27 Oct 2001, Little Rock, Arkansas39,40 Age: 93
Memo10:00 AM
Educationleft high school after ninth grade
ReligionChrist the King Catholic Church
Birth12 May 1904
Census1930, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska11 Age: 25
Death5 Aug 1971 Age: 67
Marriage25 Aug 1928, Omaha, NE
Marr MemoSt Ann's Rectory, Father Thomas
Divorcebef 1960
Div MemoKept her married name
Notes for Florence Lavine Scogin
Maintained extensive Geneology records of Scogin, Brown and Grow families.
Notes for Lawrence Ellis (Spouse 1)
Played the ukulele