Farrell/Scogin Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameMary Rothmann
BirthMar 1856, Germany
Memo1900 US Census Vol. 47, E.D. 62, Sheet 15, Line 45
BirthJul 1857, Illinois
MemoTitle: 1870 US Census Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, Ward 16, Page 8
Death5 Feb 1914, Chicago, Cook Co, Illinois Age: 56
MemoTitle: Index to Death Records, Cook County, Illinois 1871-1916
Occupation1900, Saloon Keeper, 1900 US Census, Vol. 47, E.D. 626, Sheet 15, Line 45
Marriage24 Feb 1880, Chicago, Cook Co, Illinois
Marr MemoMarriage License of John C. Armbruster and Mary Rothmann, Certificate No. 45155, State of Illinois