NameMary Durant
Birth1584, Ufford, Suffolk, England
Death15 Jul 1631, Plymouth, Massachuttes Age: 47
Birth1565, Houghton, Lancaster, England
Death1620, Leyden, Holland Age: 55
Marriage21 May 1601, Pettistree, Suffolk, England
Notes for Mary Durant
SOUR World Family TreeRING, MARY (Mary Durrant) -The William Ring who turned back to England in 1620 on the Speedwell with Robert Cushman (Bradford [Ford] 1: 145) probably died later in Leiden. It was most likely his wife, Mary Ring, who witnessed the betrothal of Samuel Terry in Leiden in 1614 (Dexter, p. 630), and she is probably the Mary Ring who arrived at Plymouth ca. 1629 with children Elizabeth, Susanna, and Andrew (John Insley Coddington, "The Widow Mary Ring, of Plymouth, Mass., and Her Children," TAG 42:193). ?&. Coddington builds a tentative pedigree to show that William Ring quite likely was the man of that name of Pettistree, County Suffolk, who married at Ufford, County Suffolk, 21 May 1601 Mary Durrant of Ufford; a daughter Elizabeth was baptized at Ufford 23 February 1602/03. Mary Ring died at Plymouth 15 or 19 July 1631, and in her will she named her daughters Elizabeth Deane and Susan Clark, her son-in-law Stephen Deane, a child of Stephen and Elizabeth Deane, and her son Andrew Ring, who was a minor. She named her friends Samuel Fuller and Thomas Blossom as overseers of the will (MD 1:29); both Fuller and Blossom had been members of the Leiden congregation. Son Andrew married (1) Deborah Hopkins daughter of Mayflower passenger Stephen Hopkins and (2) Lettice ) Morton, widow of John Morton. The children of Mary Ring's children are given in Mr. Coddington's article.Source: Plymouth Colony Its History & People 1620-1691 by Eugene Aubrey Stratton_________________________________________________________ __________________________Birth: Ufford,Suffolk Co.,England Death: 15 JUL 1631 Plymouth,Massachusetts Notes: !Death: "15th or 19th of July, 1631". In Cape Cod Series, Vol. 1. !Will: proved in "publik Court the 28th of Oct. 1633". She came to Plymouth with her three children, Andrew, Susan, and Elizabeth, in 1629. She is mentioned numerous times in Plymouth records as "widow Ring", but it is doubtful that her late husband ever arrived in America. Soon after the arrive of widow Ring in 1629, John and Robert Ring embarked from England in the "Bevis" and are found in Salisbury as early as 1638. Source: Cape Cod Series 1:147. Mayflower Families, Hopkins, pg. 12, suggests her maiden name may have been Durrant. Immigration: On the second Mayflower, which sailed from Gravesend in March, and landed at Salem Mass. on 15 May 1629, bringing 35 passengers. Below is the text from her will: [Names daus. Elizabeth Deane and Susan Clark, her son-in-law Stephen Deane, a childof Stephen and Elizabeth Deane, and her son Andrew Ring, who was a minor]: A Copy of the will & Test of Mary Ring widow who dyed the 15th or 19th of July 1631. The will being proved in publick court the 28th of oct in the ninth yeare of the raigne of our Sov. Lord Charles &c. I Mary Ring being in body but in prfect memory thanks be to God, doe make this my last will & Test. in manner & forme as followeth. ffirst I bequeath my soul to God that gave it me & my body to the eart from whence it was taken. Next my will is that such goods as God hath given I give also. I give unto Andrew my sonne all my brasse and pewter. I give unto my son Andrew my new bed & bolster wth the ffether to put in it weh I have ready. Item, I give to my son Andrew two white blankets, one red blanket wth the best Coverlet weh lieth upon my bed & the curtaines. Item, I give unto my sonne Andrew three pre of my best sheets & two paire of my best pillow beeres. It. I give also to him one hyapr tablecloath & one dyapr towall & halfe a dozen of napkins. It. I give unto him all my wollen cloath unmade except one peece of red weh my will is that my daughter Susan shall have as much as will make a bearing Her maiden name is from Sus Andrews, who cites "Plymouth Colony: It's History and People 1620-1691" by Eugene Aubrey Stratton, Ancestry Publishing, Salt Lake City, UT 1986. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------Mary RING (d. 15 or 19 Jul 1631) most probably on the second Mayflower, which sailed from Gravesend in March, and landed at Salem MA. on 15 May 1629, bringing 35 passengers, several of whom were from the Pilgrim colony which had been living for a number of years in the Netherlands.
Notes for William (Spouse 1)
William RING (d.J1720~1729 in Leyden) was a leading member of the Separatist community, and a devoted follower of the Pilgrim's pastor, Mr. John Robinson. The family is known to be present in Leyden by 1614 with a number of children, the eldest being Elizabeth. These Separatists had found the English church, once Catholic, now Anglican, to be irredeemable and sought to remove themselves from the world, rather than fight and die as martyres. Crossing to permissive Holland after 1605, the group spent their first year in the roaring port of sinful Amsterdam (where abject poverty juxtaposed with wealth "confronted them like an armed man"). Fearing for their communal continuity, they then retreated into the academic quiet of nearby Leyden. The distance was not enough, and so the colony arranged to transplant itself to the new world in 1620. In planing the trip, the tension between fear and piety was such that one of the members is quoted as saying: "Poor William RING and myself do strive for who shall be first meat for the fishes; but we look for a glorious resurection." The whole family was believed to have all been passengers aboard the Speedwell in 1720, an inadequate ship purchased by the Pilgrims to accompany to Mayflower, but forced to turn back. The name RING occurs with some frequency in the County of Suffolk, and not often elsewhere. There are both Rings and Durrants in the parish Registers of Pettistree Co. and others in the Archdeaconry Court of Suffolk Co. However, in the Parish Registers of Ufford, Suffolk Co. 1558-1630 are the following entries that are believed to be the same individuals: 1601 - "Wylliam RINGE of Petistrey singlman and Marie DURRANTE of Ufford single woman weare married together the kkj of May." 1602 - "Elizabeth Ringe the daughter of William Ringe & Marie his wife was baptized the xxiij day of Februarie" (1602/3).