NameJoseph B. Shortlidge
Birth24 Mar 1917, Upper Darby, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania255,256
Death27 Mar 2005, Lebanon Center Nursing Home, Lebanon, NH256 Age: 88
Burial31 Mar 2005, Mount Cisco, NY256
Residence1965, Chappaqua, NY Age: 47
Residence1990, Barnard, VT Age: 72
Residence2000, 3717 Darby Rd, Bryn Mawr, PA Age: 82
OccupationDuring WW2, was a pilot trainer, taught flyers how to fly B17 bombers. He said afterwards that experience was enough flying for one lifetime.
Birth18 Oct 1913, Bryant, SD
Census1920, Hamlin, South Dakota2 Age: 6
Death29 May 1990, Hanover NH Age: 76
BurialMount Cisco, NY
Cause of deathCancer, lymphoma
Marriage3 Apr 1971, Fairlington Methodist Church, Alexandria VA
Notes for Joseph B. Shortlidge
President of American Home Foods in 1960s. Makers of Chef Boyardee. Gulden's mustard and many other popular brands. From Wikipedia: Gulden's was sold to American Home Foods (a division of American Home Products), which was spun off and renamed International Home Foods in 1996. In 2000, ConAgra purchased International Home Foods.
Military notes for Joseph B. Shortlidge
Served in the Army Air Corp in WW2, as flight instructor for bomber pilots