NameJane (Emma Jane) Haselton
Birth3 Jan 1930, Nebraska
Death15 May 2010185,186 Age: 80
Burial20 May 2010, St. Francis Borgia Cemetery, Cedarburg, Wisconsin
Census1940, Omaha, Douglas, Nebraska178 Age: 9
Death16 May 2003, Cedarburg, Ozaukee, Wisconsin182 Age: 73
MemoFuneral St James Catholic Church
Employmentbef 1964, Detroit, MI181 Age: 33
MemoEngineer, Chrysler Corp
BurialMay 2003, Saint Francis Borgia Catholic Cemetery, Ozaukee, Wisconsin183
Notes for Jane (Emma Jane) Haselton
Robert’s obit lists Jane’s name as Emma Jane
Notes for Robert Edward (Spouse 1)
In the Spring of 1964, my dad (Andrew H) bought a brand new Plymouth 4 door sedan. It was powered by the famous “225 slant six”. The family (Andy, Clare, Pat, Mary, Mike & John) drove to Omaha for Bob Dahlquist’s ordination.
Dad was not happy with the car, he said it was slow and could not pass anything. We stopped in Detroit to visit Robert and for my dad to complain about the car. Robert said “that is not right, something is wrong” so they test drove it. The issue was tha the kick-down connection from the carb to the transmission was mis-adjusted, so the car would not shift into a lower gear. A quick adjustment and the car was as the Chrysler engineers expected.
It was still slow, but it was a lot more responsive. I bought this car in 1970 to take to college. In about 1973, my dad “encouraged” me to sell it to my sister Mary,