Farrell/Scogin Family Tree - Person Sheet
NameLynn Grant Freer
Birth8 Feb 1934, Omaha, NE
MemoClarkson Hospital
Census1940, 1539 So 25Th Ave Douglas, NE24 Age: 5
Death19 Jan 2014, Little Rock, Arkansas48 Age: 79
BurialCalvary cemetery in Omaha, Nebraska
OccupationClerk, Union Pacific Railroad
Birth19 Mar 1931
Death1994 Age: 62
Cause of deathCancer
Marriage12 Aug 1967, St. Puis X, Omaha NE
Notes for Lynn Grant Freer
Lynn wirtes "I came to Little Rock from Omaha in 1989 after the merger of the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific Railroads. In 1990 my wife Rita was diagnosed with cancer, and in 1992 I took early retirement to take care of her. She died Easter Sunday 1994. Later that year, while doing volunteer work at a local hospital, I met Margaret, who had just moved to LR from San Antonio. She had been widowed 9 years. We hit if off immediately, and were married in June 1995."
Notes for Lynn Grant Freer
Cousin Robert Dahlquist (Farrell side) is just a few years younger than Lynn. Bob tells stories about Lynn zooming around Omaha in his hot rod when Bob was a young teenager